Terms of service.
Ez Fence is not responsible nor liable for any property damage or stolen property/material.
All contracts between Ez Fence & the consumer ensure that all clients are responsible for any property damage.
Our contracts also ensure that any property of Ez Fence that is stolen or damaged is left liable & responsible with the consumer.
Do not tamper with or move any Installed Temporary fencing, In-ground Installation or crowd barrier after installation.
If you need any temporary fence panels, post or equipment moved, adjusted or maneuvered PLEASE contact Ez Fence and we can have a serviceman professionally adjust or maneuver your fence safely and within a days or hours notice.
Our installers ensure safety, stability and durability to all our projects and will do so if you need any temporary fence, crowd barrier or in-ground install adjusted changed or maneuvered.
If you suspect any property possibly being stolen or damaged please inform us before renting or maneuvering so we can take precautionary measures to ensure your safety from any responsibility.
Lessee’s of Ez Fence equipment cannot Re-rent, Sell or Sublease any equipment rented to them.
We do not permit leasers of rentals to move or relocate any equipment. All Fencing equipment is to remain on Installation site until pick-up date. Unless authorized by representative of Ez Fence Rental & Installation
Ez Fence has the authority to refuse service & to refuse continuing service to anyone, and have the authority to remove any of our equipment at any given time.
Ez Fence protects its clients by taking precautionary measures to ensure the prevention of any theft or property damage. If you suspect any possibility of damage or theft please contact us and we’ll take all necessary measures of prevention